vineri, 9 decembrie 2011

Andy Warhol Facts

Andy Warhol was American Pop Artist famous for his painting of Campbell's Soup cans. His real name was Andrew Warhola originally from Czechoslovakia, but born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His very first movie was called 'Sleep' and it was 6 hour long never ending masterpiece of his friend sleeping. Nine people attended premiere. Seven of them stayed and watched the movie. Two of them left within the first hour. He was fascinated with movie making so he created at least 60 more movies. Let's name some of them: Kiss, Blowjob, Eat, Shoulder, Couch, Face, Kitchen, Horse, Suicide, Drink, Closet, Sunset, Bitch and the list goes on.

Andy almost died when he was shot three times in the chest by Valerie Solanis. Valerie said that Andy Warhol had too much control over her life. Valerie was a founder of club called SCUM (Society for Cutting Up Men) and she was the only member of the group. For those who didn't know Andy Warhol was homosexual, but also very religious man. He died in hospital from heart attack because hospital stuff overloaded him with fluids after his routine gallbladder surgery. hours

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