vineri, 9 decembrie 2011

Facts About Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso was born in Spain on 25th October, 1881. His full name was "Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso". He was born as tiny and weak baby. They thought that he was dead, but his uncle, a doctor named Don Salvador, blew cigar smoke in his face. Little baby Picasso coughed and declared his rightful place on this planet.

While living in Paris (1900) Pablo had financial problems and was forced to burn many of his paintings to stay warm. Later in life he was paying his bills with simple signature written on piece of paper containing only one word: Picasso. Besides his wives he had many mistresses and some of them very young. Pablo loved to work with the candle light. His first exhibit was at the age of thirteen, but first recorded painting was at the age of nine. Interesting fact is that Steve Wynn owner of the Picasso's famed "Dream" painting poke the hole accidentally through the multimillion dollar painting while showing his friends portrait of Picasso's mistress Marie-Therese Walter.

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